Saturday, January 5, 2013

**UPDATED-Jan/05/2013**"THe Spirit of Nature" Needs retouching and updating! Fantasy..

Please scroll to bottom for updated version...and her eyes are open now!
Acrylic on Canvas board
The name of this is on the picture, The Spirit of Nature!
It was inspirited by thoughts of creation and how we all
Have to use our hands to create and nature brings much
inspiration to many artists in our world.

Above is an older version (date specified in Copyright mark)
Here is an updated retouch version, but I am still not happy with the shading and color, HOWEVER I am very happy with how the hair turned out!
By the way, the picture is good quality, it's the painting that is not I said I need to do more work on it,

I have been working on this one since 2005 :-\
Here is the more recent ;) Looking much better? I miss the flowy hair but painting around it was getting harder each time I added more paint. The wind affect is still there though :)

Hope you're having a wonderful Friday night.

I have no name for this yet! Moon light? Darkness?

I really don't have a name for this one but please feel free to give some ideas in the comments box! 


I have no name for this except Bluewater...It needs a little cleaning up but it's staying as is except the parts that need cleaning up.


Just a tree I did I was mainly trying to practice with water color paints and a tree is probably the easiest to do with water color. The first two images are wet partly finished and the last one is what I have done so far, I had to take a break so it hasn't gotten finished as of yet.

 Here is it dry with different lighting, sorry the 1st two were taken on a different day than this last one.

Time expended - A portal tunnel to the unknown dimension

This one was inspired by my son's game portal, I kind of did this mainly for him so it's not up for grabs :)